A Summary of Fantastic Fest
October 1st, 2010
Aubrey and I were in Austin, Texas last week at the Fantastic Fest Arcade. The main focus of Fantastic Fest is usually on independent film projects but this was the first year ever that the conference went out of its way to reach out to independent game developers. Indies in attendance included Derek Yu, Adam Saltsman, Jonathan Blow, Andy Schatz ...
Overgrowth Alpha 98
September 28th, 2010
Here is what is new in Overgrowth in the 98th weekly alpha. If you are confused what a weekly alpha is, or even what Overgrowth is, please read our fancy FAQ. Basically, we are developing a massive video game from the ground up -- we are able to do this completely independently by accepting preorders for the game before it's ...
Wolfire will be at Fantastic Fest
September 23rd, 2010
A celebration of indie-ness is about to take place in Austin, Texas starting tomorrow. It's called Fantastic Fest and while historically, their major focus has been on independent film, they've also been working hard to branch into independent gaming. A lot of indie developers are in town and rumor has it that a certain ninja rabbit fighting game ...
SIMD optimization
September 22nd, 2010
Fifteen years ago, it would be impossible to make a graphics-intensive game without using hand-written assembly language. Almost all classic games used it extensively, including Doom, Marathon and Prince of Persia. That has all changed with modern optimizing compilers and complicated CPUs. Now, writing assembly code by hand hurts performance more often than not, and is largely just used for ...
Overgrowth Alpha 97
September 21st, 2010
Here is what is new in Overgrowth in the 97th weekly alpha. If you are confused what a weekly alpha is, or even what Overgrowth is, please read our fancy FAQ. Basically, we are developing a massive video game from the ground up -- we are able to do this completely independently by accepting preorders for the game before it's ...
Rabbit head set piece model
September 18th, 2010
I recently made this set piece for a desert level I was working on. Here is my work on it at various steps! The first thing was to draw a concept-- this took a few iterations, but by this point I was pretty happy with it. Next I built a base model to import into Mudbox. The base model is ...
PAX Debrief
September 15th, 2010
As we mentioned in a previous post, Jeff and I were recently asked to speak on a panel at PAX about the Humble Indie Bundle. I think I can objectively say the talk went pretty well. We weren't sure how many people were going to show up because Wil Wheaton (who had thrown down a sweet celebrity tweet during ...