Art Asset Overview #43
April 24th, 2014
In this Art Asset Overview I show the new dog armor set and the new rat characters. While I think this armor set is cool, I plan to make fewer, bigger pieces of gear in the future. It's easier to line up the bigger pieces when attaching them, and it's less work to make a few big pieces ...
Factbook: Weapon Production
April 10th, 2014
Here is a new Factbook video on how most of the weapons in the world of Overgrowth are made: There are rare cases where other races make weapons, like how the swords in Lugaru were made by a rabbit! Because the steel is harvested from the crete, there is no need to melt iron ore in a blast furnace and ...
The Monk Comic
January 14th, 2014
There is a new Overgrowth comic that you can read here! I have been trying all sorts of things to improve my skills as an artist in the last 6 months. Part of that was learning a lot of new tools, but another aspect was to reevaluate the skills I was already good at, like painting, and to continue to ...
Factbook: Useful Animals
November 26th, 2013
Here is a new Factbook video on the subject of normal animals, and how the humanoid species of Overgrowth interact with them: Working on the Factbook videos has made it clearer to me that there are still a lot of aspects of the Overgrowth universe that could be fleshed out, which has given me a reason to look into some ...
Art Asset Overview #42 and Factbook: Rabbit Habitation
November 18th, 2013
Since starting on Overgrowth, I have committed myself to some long-term goals when it comes to being an indie game developer. As I learned more about indie games it became obvious that there are areas that I need to work at to improve. One of the first things I identified as a pressing need was that I should learn how ...
Art Asset Overview #41
June 7th, 2013
In this Art Asset Overview, I show the concept for the main menu UI and talk a bit about some new software I'm using. For a couple of years, I've been interested in trying some alternate workflow methods, but I was concerned that the new assets wouldn't match up well with the older ones. However, I thought ...
Art Asset Overview #40
May 12th, 2013
In this Art Asset Overview, I demonstrate some experiments with 2D/3D art: assets that are painted by hand, but have some 3D structure to support layering and parallax effects. We were thinking this might be an appropriate style for the Overgrowth “metagame”, where the player makes higher-level decisions, compared to the concrete moment-to-moment decisions of stealth and combat. I ...