Lugaru 2 Multiplayer
Henry just got initial multiplayer support working; we can now connect and chat and jump around! There is no fighting yet, but this is a great first step.
Terrain LOD
Dynamic terrain level of detail is working now using a form of patch-based geomipmapping; this means that we can seamlessly render distant terrain at lower level of detail, so polygon count does not increase exponentially as view distance increases. This means that we can make the far clip plane much farther away while maintaining high framerate, so you will be able to see far into the distance.
Lugaru 2 Music
There has been a lot of talk in the forum about Lugaru 2 music, so we decided to post a track with excerpts from several of Mikko Tarmia's fantastic songs. There are several kinds of songs in Lugaru 2, and they will play based on the current situation and Turner's emotional state.
New blog design in progress
We are working on a new design for the blog (and site in general); I suppose I don't have to include a screenshot. :)
Morph targets
Morph targets allow us to create several model variations and interpolate between them, so that we keep all of the benefits of skeletal animation as well as the flexibility of traditional keyframe animation. This allows our characters to blink, breathe, make facial expressions, and other soft motion that would be difficult to simulate using bones.
Here is an example of interpolation between two morph targets (artwork by Ian Wells):