Lugaru 2 movement
June 12th, 2006
All of the basic movement activities in Lugaru 2 are working now! Walking, running, crouching, sneaking, rolling, and jumping are fully functional. Phoenix (the Lugaru 2 game engine) uses a unique animation system that creates animations on the fly based on surface and physics information, and even the character's personality and current state. For example it is very easy ...
Announcing PhoenixUI (downloadable prototype)
June 6th, 2006
Hi, for those of you who don't frequent the forum, you probably don't know me. I am Jeff, David's twin brother and I have recently started working on Lugaru 2. I'll be updating my progress here and on the forums as is custom. On to the meat of my first blog post: As you might have ...
Rigging and animation
June 5th, 2006
Turner is now rigged (mostly) and set up with the physics-based animation system, so he can walk or run at any speed and in any situation and animate correctly. The screenshots I took really show the motion blur than the animation, but I will set up some animations later!