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Overgrowth Heavy Metal Song by George Dziov

April 17th, 2010

This is a guest post written by George Dziov from Russia, who contacted me after creating an amazing heavy metal rock song inspired by Overgrowth. He was kind enough to share with us how he got his start as a musician and how his Overgrowth song came to be. Hey people! Glad to meet you at Wolfire's blog! Most ...

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New Modular Building

April 16th, 2010

It has been a while now since I made my original modular building pieces for Overgrowth, and in that time of people using and testing the pieces, a couple of problems have surfaced (which I will talk about in a future blog post). To combat these problems I started trying out some new techniques for buildings. Here are some of ...

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Smaller functions for readable code

April 15th, 2010

When I was teaching myself C++ programming with programs like Black Shades and Lugaru, it hadn't even occured to me to think about how readable the code was. All I cared about was making it work as fast as possible, so there were a lot of duplicated code sections, global variables, and mixed conventions. The game worked, but it ...

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Preorder Overgrowth with TrialPay

April 14th, 2010

It has been a long time since I mentioned TrialPay which has been very successful for us, so I figured I should talk about it again for the many new readers! TrialPay is a payment service that basically lets you preorder Overgrowth in a unique way: instead of simply paying us $29.95 directly, you can sign up for a ...

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Overgrowth Alpha 74

April 13th, 2010

Here is what is new in Overgrowth in the 74th weekly alpha. If you are confused what a weekly alpha is, or even what Overgrowth is, please read our fancy FAQ. Basically, we are developing a massive video game from the ground up -- we are able to do this completely independently by accepting preorders for the game before it's ...

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A blog scheduling experiment

April 12th, 2010

For the past year and a half, we've been writing a blog post every day. While we're pretty confident that it has lead to the steady growth of the Wolfire blog, the truth is, we don't know how it compares to other strategies because we've never tried anything else. So we're thinking about blogging slightly ...

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Art Direction

April 11th, 2010

Art direction in games dictates how the game will look while taking into account technical goals for the project. Good art direction results in distinctive visuals that make the gameplay clear and leave you with technical resources to spare, while also maintaining a simple workflow for creating the art. If that seems complicated, it is! I have been trying to ...

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