Black Shades iPhone
February 26th, 2009
It is my pleasure to announce that Black Shades, the intense first person shooter that David made many years ago is now available for download on the iPhone for only 99 cents. To download it from the app store click here! Now this action-packed classic can be at your fingertips, anytime anywhere. All the levels and weapons you remember from ...
How I Make Overgrowth Assets: Part II, The Concept
February 25th, 2009
Continuing on my series, this week I'll talk about making concepts. I mentioned the idea of working backwards through a design starting with what you want to accomplish. This is harder for some things than others. For example, with weapons or characters that are going to be a key part of the gameplay, it is important to keep in ...
Why game designers should learn to draw
February 25th, 2009
If you're a professional game designer, it's essential to learn about the basics of every aspect of game development! Every discipline is important, but today I will focus on why it's helpful to understand visual artwork. Concept Art Having a working knowledge of 2D concept art can give you much higher-bandwidth communication with artists. For example, Aubrey ...
New Overgrowth alpha released
February 23rd, 2009
Here is what is new in Overgrowth this week... Please read our fancy FAQ. As usual, we have fixed a number of bugs, tweaked some stuff, and implemented some new features. Aubrey has created even more art. We have included a number of new models and textures this week. There is not a whole lot to show this week as ...
New rock and statue assets
February 22nd, 2009
Here are some new assets I have been working on. Rocks are surprisingly hard to get right. Small features like cracks or areas where the rock has sheared off have a lot of small details that are kind of tricky. I am planning on doing a few more rock sets, so I still have a chance to improve :) Modeled after ...
New Lugaru Campaign
February 21st, 2009
Hey guys, skraeling from the Wolfire Forums has made a sweet Lugaru campaign called The Seven Tasks. Check it out here. I just played through it and can vouch for its coolness. Especially the bonus zombie level. The quality and quantity of Lugaru mods always amazes us, especially given the lack of any real modding tools available for the game ...
Forum Management
February 20th, 2009
Wolfire has a long history of taking a relaxed approach to forum management. We do in fact have rules but because we don't refer to them or enforce them much, most people don't know they exist. The precedent, with few exceptions, has been that pretty much anything goes. However, since our official start on Overgrowth last September, we ...