Team Introduction: Phillip

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September 6th, 2008

Hi, I'm Phillip.

I'll be working on graphics programming, especially creating tools and technologies to help make it as easy as possible to make cool art assets, maps, animations, and special effects.

I recently graduated from Yale University with a major in CS. Prior to settling on CS, I jumped around quite a bit, exploring interests in physics, cognitive science, art, and architecture. I'm really excited to have found game development, since the field tightly integrates my several areas of interest.

In college I did research on human visual perception and computer vision, and worked on a tool for freeform 3D modeling. At Wolfire, I'm looking forward to tackling cutting edge technical issues and pushing innovation in all our games!

Favorite Games: Marshmallow Duel, The Dig, Myth

Random Fact: Back in the day I suffered from a fervent addiction to Marshmallow Duel. It was a tough time, but some good did come out of it: I introduced David to the game, and it was his inspiration for GLFighters!