Overgrowth Weekly Q&A #16
September 28th, 2015
Here is the latest Overgrowth Weekly Q&A: If you would like your question to be answered, you can post in this thread in the Wolfire forum. Here is a summary of what we talked about before the Q&A: Micah, one of the new programmers introduces himself. Steve Hong has been hired as character artist. Lukas has been working ...
Overgrowth Weekly Q&A #15
September 14th, 2015
Here is the latest Overgrowth Weekly Q&A: If you would like your question to be answered, you can post in this thread in the Wolfire forum. Here is a summary of some of the important points we talked about: There are about 20 people working on the game in some capacity now. Two of the newly hired people are ...
Overgrowth Weekly Q&A #13
June 10th, 2015
Here is the latest Overgrowth Weekly Q&A: If you would like your question to be answered, you can post in this thread in the Wolfire forum. I forgot to post the last few episodes on the blog, but they are there on the YouTube playlist if you'd like to catch up!
Overgrowth a208.1 (advance_testing)
January 1st, 2015
I just uploaded a new build to the Steam "advance_testing" branch! Here are some changes in no particular order: Fixed mass of wolf and female rabbit ragdolls Character bone mass is proportional to the cube of character scale Fixed a problem with sky rendering when there is no terrain Fixed raider ear weights Shift moves camera along camera's up ...