Sword Model
October 15th, 2008
When I started work on this sword, I decided I wanted something that looked original but still functional. After experimenting I came up with this shape. The extended handle on the back of the blade is so that a hand can be moved up for extra leverage when pressing the sword after a strike, or if the blade gets stuck ...
First blood part 2
October 14th, 2008
Check out the video in HD here! I made the blood react to the underlying surface details: you can still make out the shape of the bricks and mortar even when they are completely covered in blood. I also completely revamped the lighting to accurately reflect the sun and sky, but that is a different blog post!
Mikko intro
October 14th, 2008
In the spirit of team introductions, here is Mikko's, the music composer for Overgrowth. We will update you guys with some of his music soon. --------- Hey! Im Mikko, an outsourced (and finnish) music composer in the Overgrowth team. I will be responsible of the game's musical themes and moods. I started music composing in the beginning of the ...
There will be blood!
October 10th, 2008
Be sure to watch this in HD! David has started work on the next gen blood engine in Overgrowth and made this video. We still have a lot of things we want to do with the blood, but I thought this was awesome enough to post outside of the Secret Preorder Forum where it started. Keep in mind that this ...
Terrain: Part 1
October 7th, 2008
Hi all, Welcome to the first tech blog post for Overgrowth (...well the first since it became Overgrowth)! Making Overgrowth technically impressive is a big goal for us. As a small independent team, we can't implement every flashy feature, but we can implement a few core features in innovative ways. So that's what we've decided to focus ...